Well, here I am back again... it seems like I never left this bizarre and beautiful place.

Kyoto's women are bright fish - and difficult to catch!

I am sorry to the people in these photos for putting your images online without asking. I feel dreadful that I do not even know your names. I'm not sure if maiko and rickshaw drivers surf the net. If its you or your friends in these images, please send me an email (in English or Nihon-go). I would love to hear from you. After I overcome my shock at receiving an email from you I will gladly reply!

Regards, Alan Dorin.

a photo by alan

The maiko glare... my humble apologies! Gominasai. Sumimasen.

If you weren't so exqusite I could have passed you by more politely. Seeing you on the street is like being caught off guard by a carp in a murky pool, surfacing to nip your toes on a humid evening.

Marking the footsteps of one's elders.
How old are you behind that porcelain and finery?
a photo by alan
a photo by alan Thankyou all so much for this moment of your time! I hope you find the result pleasing. Maybe we shall meet again and I will be able to chat about the weather as fluently as I can ask you for permission to take your photo. Sumimasen. Domo arrigato gozaimashita. This photograph alone was worth the trip. Sumimasen.

PLEASE, if you like these photos and want to use them for something just send me an email and ask. I would much prefer this to having you sneakily put them on your own website without letting me know! The images are © Alan Dorin 2002, they are not available for use without my written permission except by the people appearing in the photos. The people contained in these images are unknown to me... if you know them, please send me a note!

Now some images of an adventure of a different kind...