FIT3084: Colour

In the previous lecture:

In this lecture:

Additional References:


colour! What is colour?
  • A philosophical can of worms!
  • A sensation?
  • The stimulation of the eye's retina?
  • A property of physical objects?
  • A property of light?
human eye

Light enters the eye through the cornea and passes through the lens where it is focussed onto the retina at the back of the eye.

The wavelength of light hitting the retina determines the cones which will be stimulated.

There are three types of cones, each type responds best to specific wavelengths of light we perceive as:

  • blue (short wavelengths)
  • green (medium wavelengths)
  • red (long wavelengths).


cone colour response

The cones are densely packed around the fovea where our colour vision is the best.

The cones send messages to the brain via the optic nerve that vary depending on the wavelengths of light that have been detected.

Many rods are also spread across the retina. These cellular structures detect the intensity of light hitting the retina, especially in dim situations.
They have been reported to be able to respond to a single photon!

Subtractive Colour

Materials contain pigments that

  • Absorb

  • Reflect &

  • Transmit


absorb, transmit, reflect


Paints & dyes are pigments in convenient, human useable form.
We apply them to surfaces or materials to change the colour of the light they reflect or transmit. (We can't see the light that is absorbed.)

Subtractive Primary colours are the basis for all other colours. Since kindergarten you've been told these are:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue

Secondary colours are constructed by combining equal proportions of primary colour.

  • Orange......Red + Yellow
  • Purple........Red + Blue
  • Green.........Yellow + Blue

Subtractive - pigments filter out light of different wavelengths from white light, leaving coloured light to be detected by our retina.

Eg. A white page of paper appears (and is called) white because it is reflecting all wavelengths of visible light incident upon it.

If one were to apply blue ink to a white page, light hitting it would be filtered by the pigment in the ink (which only transmits blue light). This blue light would hit the white page, be reflected back through the ink (where it is filtered again) and may hit a person's retina. That person may well exclaim "Blue!".


What primary colours are used for printing purposes? Inspect a coloured newspaper page with a magnifying glass to find out.

Colour Wheel - a diagramatic representation of the relationships between colours.

The primary colours form the vertices of a triangle around the circumference of the wheel.

Secondary colours fit between these, tertiary colours flesh out the circumference to any resolution you please.

colour wheel (additive)

Intermediate colours are constructed by combining two primaries in a ratio of 2:1.
(These colours lie between the primary and secondary colours on a colour wheel)

Tertiary colours are combinations of the primary colours in any other proportion.

Tints & Shades are series of colours obtained by adding white (for tints) or black (for shades) to a colour obtained above.

If you really want to understand what these terms mean, there is no substitute for buying some white, black, red, blue and yellow paint and some white paper... get your fingers dirty. (Take my word for it, this will give you a better understanding of colour than learning these notes ever will!)

Additive Colour

Additive Primary colours

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue

Additive Secondary colours

  • Yellow...... Red + Green
  • Magenta.... Red + Blue
  • Cyan......... Green + Blue

Additive colour specification in XHTML

Additive colours may be specified in software (since they are commonly used for digital colour specification) by giving intensity values for each of the Red, Green and Blue components at a single pixel.

The intensity of each colour may range from 0.0 to 1.0 (floating point representation) or 0 to 255 (eight-bit integer representation), or in XHTML...


RGB float

RGB integer

XHTML hexadecimal



1.0, 0.0, 0.0 
255, 0, 0 



1.0, 1.0, 1.0 
255, 255, 255 



0.5, 0.5, 0.5 
127, 127, 127 



?, ?, ? - homework!
?, ?, ? - homework!



?, ?, ? - homework!
?, ?, ? - homework!

Some colours are easily converted into integer or floating point RGB specifications in one's head. Others are more difficult. What are the RGB values of the last two colours in the table above? Its not obvious, is it?

Usually interactive software will incorporate a "colour picker" to allow users to specify colours by selecting them from a palette rather than relying on the user to calculate the RGB values in their head. What aspects of interface design does this address?

dreamweaver colour picker
rgb colour picker
hsb colour picker

Macromedia Dreamweaver HTML colour picker
(RGB values specified in hexadecimal)

Adobe Photoshop colour picker
(RGB values specified as 8 bit integers)

Adobe Photoshop colour picker
(HSB values specified as an angle and two percentages)

In XHTML you can also... specify basic colours by name.
(These will be interpreted by the browser - check the HTML source for the preceding sentence!)

Here's a colour wheel for the additive system.

The primary colours still form a triangle, the secondaries fit between these, and the tertiary colours flesh out the circle.

additive colour wheel

Hue, Saturation & Value (HSV / HSB)

Hue is the 'colour' of a colour, e.g. that which allows you to identify it as a 'blue' or a 'red'.


Saturation is the '-ness' of a colour, for example its 'blueness' or 'redness', also loosely called intensity. (A more saturated red is a more intense red)


Value is the amount of light or dark in a colour. Sometimes called 'Brightness'.


Colour Relationships

Groups of colours relate differently to one another depending on their properties.

Discordant colours 'jar'.

yellow & black bars

What colour is a...

  • bee?
  • fly?
  • construction vehicle?

Would you step on a grey bee?

  • battleship?
  • tiger?
  • elephant?

Have you ever seen a black and yellow elephant?


Harmonious colours 'relax'. (Especially if they are not highly saturated)

Imagine a dentist's waiting room painted black and yellow!

pale swatches

Colour Effects

Colour relationships can be used to encourage a viewer to feel uneasy or at ease, comfortable, disoriented or cramped.

Warm hues (yellow <-> red) encourage viewers to feel heat or warmth.

warm hues

Warm hues move forward in a composition.

warm & cool

Cool hues (blue <-> green) encourage a cold or cool feeling.

cool hues

Cool hues sit backward in a composition.

warm & cool

Here is an excellent illustration of colour depth effects...

These calendar images illustrate a set of warm and cool hues.

How would you organise the pictures over the year?

calendar image set

Colour Meanings

Colours have culturally-specific meanings.

red dress - china
Love, passion, heat, flame, life, feminine power
Fertility, peace, nature, Earth
Truth, clarity, dignity, power
Energy, joy, lightness of being
Royalty, wealth, sophistication
Masculinity, stability
Death, rebellion, darkness, elegance
Lightness, purity, cleanliness, emptiness
red dress - spain

A red dress in China not...

... a red dress in Spain.

Colours may be associated with people and professions (often through trade clothing)

Spanish dancers, bull fighters?
Soldiers, tram conductors
Police, sailors, blue collar workers
Bananas in Pyjamas?
Clergy members, Suffragettes
School teachers?
Goths, motorcycle riders, artists, heavy metal heads
Doctors, chemists, dentists, white collar workers, virgins

There are many other considerations in choosing colour for your displays. We've discussed some of them in the elcture on Information Design. NASA has an interesting website on this very topic.

Practicalities of Web Additive Colour

Different computers have different

Hence colours ain't colours!


This lecture's key point(s):

Courseware | Lecture notes

©Copyright Alan Dorin 2009