FIT3084: (mySQL) Database Access via the WWW

In the previous lecture:

In this lecture:


Sebasta, R.W., "Programming the WWW 2009", 5th edition, Pearson, chapter 13.

logo mySQL


  • mySQL is an open-source database system that implements SQL, the Structured Query Language which has become a standard for database access.
  • Data may be added to a mySQL database, deleted and changed, all via a PHP script.

Relational Database Examples

Example 1.

For every attribute of each entity there could be a column with true or false in it.

ID Type Scales Bark Fur
1 fish true false false
2 tree false true false
3 reptile true false false
4 marsupial false false true
5 dog false false true

The table design above is not ideal. It is better to have one attribute such as "distinctive features" and enter relevant data (scales, bark, legs, wings or fur) into it. What if an entity has more than one attribute simultaneously?

Example 2.

A more complete example organisms table.

life_id common_name type_id length
1 Murray Cod 3 1
2 Victorian Ash 6 100
3 Coastal Taipan 5 3
4 Hairy-Nosed Wombat 4 1
5 Dingo 2 1.2
6 Laughing Kookaburra 1 0.4

The organisms table needs to be used in conjunction with these:

type_id type
1 bird
2 dog
3 fish
4 marsupial
5 reptile
6 tree
feature_id feature
1 bark
2 branches
3 feathers
4 fins
5 fur
6 leaves
7 legs
8 scales
9 tail
10 wings
life_id feature_id
1 8
1 4
1 9
2 1
2 2
2 6
3 8
4 5
4 7
5 5
5 7
5 9
6 3
6 10
region_id region
1 N
2 NE
3 E
4 SE
5 S
6 SW
7 W
8 NW
9 Central
life_id region_id
1 4
2 4
3 2
4 4
5 9
5 7
5 8
5 1
5 2
5 3
6 2
6 3
6 4
6 6
Abbreviates the names of the organism types. (Indexed from column 3 of the main table)
Abbreviates the names of the organism features.
Cross-references the primary keys of the organisms with their features.
Abbreviates the habitat locations within Australia.
Cross-references the primary keys of the organisms' habitat range.

About SQL - Structured Query Language

About mySQL and PHP

Login to mySQL using PHP
mysql_connect(database-host-name, username, password) or die(mysql_error());
Select an existing database...
mysql_select_db(database-name) or die(mysql_error());
...or create a new database
$query = 'CREATE DATABASE database-name';

mySQL commands

Here are some SQL commands. The tables listed above will be used to illustrate them.

CREATE DATABASE database-name;
Create a new database called wildlife



CREATE TABLE table-name
(column1-name column1-type [other options],
column2-name column2-type [other options], ... ... columnN-name columnN-type [other options]);

Create a new table called organisms

  • With columns named life_id, type_id, length.
  • With column types INT, CHAR string of length 15, REAL number.
  • NOT NULL column must be assigned a value for every entity.
  • PRIMARY KEY column must have a unique value for every entity.
  • AUTO_INCREMENT values of this column don't need to be specified when adding entities to the database. Value is automatically given as one plus the previous value in this column, 1,2,3...
CREATE TABLE organisms
 type_id INT NOT NULL,
 common_name CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
 length REAL);



DESCRIBE database-name;

Describe the database organisms

DESCRIBE organisms;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
life_id int(6) - PRI 0 auto_increment
common_name varchar(15) - - - -
type_id int(6) - - 0 -
length double(16,4) - - 0.0000 -



Shows the tables in the current database

Tables in wildlife



Insert values into a table in the database

INSERT INTO table-name
(column1-name, column2-name, ..., columnN-name)
(value1, value2, ..., valueN);
This example inserts the first entry into the organisms table, i.e. "Murray Cod" is inserted into the column called common_name, 3 into type_id and 1 into length. Below we insert the second entry of organisms.

If a column specified as NOT NULL is not included in the INSERT command, mySQL will report an error.
INSERT INTO organisms
(common_name, type_id, length)
("Murray Cod", 3, 1); INSERT INTO organisms
(common_name, type_id, length)
("Victorian Ash", 6, 100);



Select a set of columns from a table in the current database

SELECT column-names FROM table-names [WHERE condition];
To select all columns of all the entities in the organism table.
SELECT * FROM organisms;
1Murray Cod31.0000
2 Victorian Ash 6 100.0000
To select the common_name column of all entities in the organism table with a length less than 10.
SELECT common_name
FROM organisms
WHERE length < 10;
life_id common_name type_id length
1 Murray Cod 3 1.0000
A join of two tables is specified by SELECT-ing multiple tables and including a compound WHERE clause. This example selects all columns from all entities in the organisms and types tables where the type is tree. (The types table must be added and its entries inserted before this would work of course!)
FROM organisms, types
WHERE organisms.type_id = types.type_id AND types.type = 'tree';
2Victorian Ash6100.0000tree


Other Useful mySQL commands.


Update any entities in the named table with the specified column value, using the new values listed.

UPDATE table-name
SET column1-name = value1, column2-name=value2, ..., columnN-name=valueN
WHERE column-name = value;


Delete any rows of a table that match the WHERE clause.

DELETE FROM table-name
WHERE column-name=value;


Delete any entire database or table. The optional IF EXISTS avoids errors in case the table or database doesn't exist.


Interpretting mySQL Queries.

mysql_query( ) doesn't return the output shown above directly as XHTML.

It usually returns a table that can be interpretted with the help of a PHP function like this...

function outputResults($result)
  // Get the number of rows in the result of the query
  $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

  // Get the number of columns in the result of the query
  $num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result);

  // Get the first row of the data.
  // This will be the header row that contains the names of the columns
  // We will acquire it in the form of an array.
  $rowData = mysql_fetch_array($result);

  // Extract from the header the names of the columns
  $keys = array_keys($rowData);

  // Create an XHTML table to output the
  // result of this PHP script to the browser.
  print "<table border=1>";
  print "<tr align='left'>";

  // Make the header row...
  for ($col=0; $col<$num_fields; $col++)
     print "<th>";
     print $keys[2*$col +1];                // <--------- See note on mySQL result row interpretation below
     print "</th>";
  print "</tr>";
  // Iterate through the data rows
  for ($row=0; $row<$num_rows; $row++)
     print "<tr align='left'>";
     // Extract the contents of each data row as an array
     $rowValues = array_values($rowData);
     for ($col=0; $col<$num_fields; $col++)
        // Extract each value that corresponds to a column
        $value = $rowValues[2 * $col + 1]); // <--------- See note on mySQL result row interpretation below
        print "<th>" . $value . "</th>";
     print "</tr>";

     // Get the next row of data
     $rowData = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  print "</table>";


mySQL Result Row Interpretation

PHP arrays are hashes.

The results (confusingly) of a mySQL query therefore contain double sets of elements, one with a numeric key, and one with a string key.

E.g. The result that would be returned for a SELECT that matches the first data row of the types table
type_id type
1 bird
would be: (0,1), (type_id, 1), (1, bird), (type, bird)

If this data was stored in $result then: the result rows have twice as many elements as there are fields in the result.

To neatly extract the data once we must extract every second entry of the table.

This explains the highlighted lines in the example above. I.e...

print $keys[2*$col +1];


$value = $rowValues[2 * $col + 1]);

Example PHP Database Access

This lecture's key point(s):

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©Copyright Alan Dorin 2009