invited speaker

refereed paper
artist/tech. talk

panel chair

John Tonkin

Independent artist

TITLE: The Generative Process as Metaphor

ABSTRACT: John will discuss a number of his works based around generative processes. He will examine "generative process as metaphor" in relation to emergence, evolution, and the way these may be considered a reflection of the current (data) culture (generation).

Images from Elective Physiognomies, Meniscus, 1995-2000

ABOUT: John Tonkin is a Sydney-based new media artist. After studying science he began making computer animation in 1985. Tonkin develops his own software in programming languages such as Java. His animations include air, water parts 1, 2 & 3, and these are the days. These works used mathematical modelling to create abstracted simulations of natural systems. meniscus is a series of web / installation works that explore ideas relating to scientific belief systems, subjectivity and identity. His recent works involve building frameworks / tools / toys in which the artwork is formed through the accumulated interactions of its users. He is currently working on Strange Weather: a grand unified theory, a visualisation tool for making sense of life.

from air, water, 1992-1994

from air, water, 1992-1994

from these are the days, 1995



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