CSE2305 - Object-Oriented Software Engineering


Assignment 2

This assignment is due before 11.59pm Friday, 2 September 2005 ( ).
Total marks: 50.
Contribution to final mark: 5%.


Question 1

[30 marks]

An associative array is an array that stores one data type (the value) indexed by another (the key). This is a generalisation of the standard array in C which only allows indexing by a number. For example:

postcode["Clayton South"] = 3068;
cout << "The postcode for " << cityName << " is " << postcodes[cityName] << endl;

Write a class¤ called Array which implements an associative array.  The key for the array will be a std::string.  Elements stored in the array will contain data, also of type std::string. Your Array class should be able to store any number of elements. The example above uses operator overloading to overload operator[]. For this assignment, there is no need to overload operators, so member functions will be used to get and set the data.

Your Array class¤ should provide the following methods:

Classes¤ such as the List and Array classes¤ are called Containers¤.  Container Classes¤ are used to store any type of data.  Consider for the future how you could specify and store arbitrary data types for the key and value.

Question 2

[20 marks]

Using the Array class¤ you implemented in the previous question write a class¤ called PostCodeFinder, which can load a list of postcodes stored in a file, and then be used to find the postcode for the supplied city name and state.

Your PostCodeFinder class¤ should provide the following methods:

Use your PostCodeFinder class¤ to write a simple post code lookup program. The program should load a list of cities, states and postcodes from a specified file into a PostCodeFinder object, then prompt for a city and state name, returning the corresponding postcode if found, or the string "No postcode found for cityname" (where cityname is the name of the city entered). This should repeat until the user terminates the cycle. The program then quits.

How to Proceed

Associative arrays are best implemented as a hash table. You will need to devise a suitable hash function to hash a string key to the appropriate position in the array.

Hash tables need to handle collisions (when two different keys hash to the same location).  To handle collisions, make sure your Array class¤ stores a List of elements at each location in the array (see Assignment 1).

What to submit for assessment

You should submit the following:

See the submit page for details on how to submit your assignment.

This material is part of the CSE2305 - Object-Oriented Software Engineering course.
Copyright © Jon McCormack, 2005. All rights reserved.

Last Modified: August 24, 2005