???? /GGODICT 8JUL03 V01-001/Onomatopoeia Dictionary/Compiled by C. Amis/ あ [あ] /general interjection: oh, uh, ah/ あ [あ] /exclamation of surprise, alarm, amazement/ ああ [ああ] /exclamation of great surprise, alarm, amazement/ ああ [ああ] /yes, okay, sure/ ああん [ああん] /opening the mouth wide, as in "Say ah!"/ ああん [ああん] /cry of passion/ あん [あん] /cry of passion/ あちゃ [あちゃ] /remorse/ あぎあぎ [あぎあぎ] /bite bite/ あぐあぐ [あぐあぐ] /bite bite/ あらよっと [あらよっと] /bite bite/ いちゃいちゃ [いちゃいちゃ] /displaying affection in public/ いちゃくらいちゃくら [いちゃくらいちゃくら] /displaying affection in public/ いらいら [いらいら] /fume fume/ いらいら [いらいら] /clenching or grinding teeth/ いそいそ [いそいそ] /moving blithely, happily/ いひひいん [いひひいん] /horse whinny/ うきき [うきき] /noise of a monkey/ う [う] /ugh, urgh, ulp! a grunt or growl of surprise, pain, or anger/ うちゅ [うちゅ] /kiss/ うごご [うごご] /choking/ うかうか [うかうか] /daydreaming, not paying attention/ うっかり [うっかり] /daydreaming, not paying attention/ うっくん [うっくん] /swallow, gulp/ うむ [うむ] /uh, uh-huh, hmm/ うに [うに] /the noise you make with your mouth when you're waking up/ うんしょ [うんしょ] /effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ うんざり [うんざり] /bored, fed up/ うらあ [うらあ] /roar, war cry/ うりゃあ [うりゃあ] /swaying/ うらうら [うらうら] /swaying/ うと [うと] /nodding off/ うつら [うつら] /half-asleep/ うっとり [うっとり] /enraptured by beauty/ うう [うう] /sound of anger: Urrgh!/ うわあ [うわあ] /exclamation: Auuugh!/ うぞうぞ [うぞうぞ] /menacing sound/ え [え] /what? huh?/ ええ [ええ] /cry, wail/ ええ [ええ] /yes, okay, sure/ ええと [ええと] /umm, err, uhh/ えへん [えへん] /ahem/ えい [えい] /shriek/ おおしいつくつく [おおしいつくつく] /chirping of a cicada/ おい [おい] /hey!/ おいしょ [おいしょ] /effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ おお [おお] /approving exclamation: Oh! Whoa!/ おお [おお] /wind howling/ おお [おお] /menacing roar, animal or mechanical/ おらおら [おらおら] /what you say when you punch somebody repeatedly/ おろおろ [おろおろ] /shock, surprise, befuddlement, confusion/ おりゃ [おりゃ] /a fighting taunt or war cry/ おそるおそる [おそるおそる] /timidly/ か [か] /light/ か [か] /heels going click, footsteps/ かん [かん] /heels going click, footsteps/ かあ [かあ] /face turning red, blushing/ かちゃ [かちゃ] /the click of something opening/ かちいん [かちいん] /the sound of getting angry/ かちいん [かちいん] /the sound of metal striking metal and ringing/ かじ [かじ] /bite, gnaw/ かく [かく] /scratching/ かく [かく] /running a hand through hair/ かく [かく] /paddling a hand in water/ かく [かく] /shaking, wobbling, losing balance/ かくん [かくん] /shaking, wobbling, losing balance/ かぱん [かぱん] /rattle, open/ から [から] /empty/ からから [からから] /bone dry/ からん [からん] /rattle, open/ かりかり [かりかり] /something scratching on something else/ かさ [かさ] /rustle, usually grass/ かせ [かせ] /rustle, usually grass/ かつかつ [かつかつ] /clomp clomp/ かあかあ [かあかあ] /cawing of a crow/ かっこうかっこう [かっこうかっこう] /cuckoo/ かたかた [かたかた] /small things clattering/ がちゃがちゃ [がちゃがちゃ] /chirping of a cricket/ があがあ [があがあ] /quacking of a duck/ がらがら [がらがら] /almost empty/ がりがり [がりがり] /grinding, scratching/ がたがた [がたがた] /trembling with cold, something vibrating/ が [が] /impact/ がば [がば] /grab/ がばがば [がばがば] /gurgling/ がばがば [がばがば] /too big (clothes)/ がぶ [がぶ] /chomp/ がちゃ [がちゃ] /the click of something opening/ がちゃり [がちゃり] /the click of something opening/ がはは [がはは] /evil laugh/ がきん [がきん] /clash/ がく [がく] /shaking, wobbling/ がくん [がくん] /to collapse, fall/ がくんと [がくんと] /to collapse, fall/ がくり [がくり] /to collapse, fall/ がぷ [がぷ] /big bite, chomp/ がん [がん] /revelation, usually horrible/ がんがん [がんがん] /strong or violent action/ がらがら [がらがら] /clatter, rattle/ がらん [がらん] /clatter, rattle/ がさ [がさ] /rustle, stealthy movement/ がしゃん [がしゃん] /crash, impact/ がし [がし] /grab/ がしん [がしん] /crash, impact/ がっしり [がっしり] /solid/ がた [がた] /to reel in shock from a revelation/ がたん [がたん] /to reel in shock from a revelation/ がた [がた] /to fall, collapse/ がたん [がたん] /to fall, collapse/ がた [がた] /head hang low, sulk, sigh/ がつがつ [がつがつ] /gobble food/ がや [がや] /excited crowd sound/ き [き] /glare, the glint of a dagger eye/ きい [きい] /squeak, high-pitched sound/ きいい [きい] /long high-pitched sound/ きちきち [きちきち] /full, jam-packed/ きちん [きちん] /meticulously, carefully/ きちんと [きちんと] /meticulously, carefully/ きんこん [きんこん] /ding dong, as of a school bell/ かんこん [かんこん] /ding dong, as of a school bell/ きんこうん [きんこうん] /ding dong, like a school bell/ きっぱり [きっぱり] /flatly, definitely, clearly/ きら [きら] /twinkle, shine, glint/ きらん [きらん] /twinkle, shine, glint/ きらり [きらり] /twinkle, shine, glint/ きりきり [きりきり] /scratching or scraping/ きりきり [きりきり] /business, haste/ きし [きし] /creaking/ きゃんきゃん [きゃんきゃん] /dog barking/ ききい [ききい] /noise of a monkey/ きいきい [きいきい] /noise of a monkey/ ぎとぎと [ぎとぎと] /oily/ ぎゃ [ぎゃ] /shriek/ ぎゃあ [ぎゃあ] /shriek/ ぎゃ [ぎゃ] /grab/ ぎゃあぎゃあ [ぎゃあぎゃあ] /whine, grumble/ ぎょ [ぎょ] /shock/ ぎゅ [ぎゅ] /grab, squeeze, twist/ ぎゅう [ぎゅう] /fast motion/ ぎゅううん [ぎゅううん] /fast motion/ きゅるる [きゅるる] /stomach rumbling/ きゃ [きゃ] /shriek/ きゃぴきゃぴ [きゃぴきゃぴ] /happy noisy girlish chattering/ きょろきょろ [きょろきょろ] /looking this way and that/ きょうお [きょうお] /something that pops up, like an idea/ きゅ [きゅ] /grab/ ぎぎ [ぎぎ] /menacing sound/ ぎいえ [ぎいえ] /menacing sound/ ぎく [ぎく] /surprise/ ぎくり [ぎくり] /surprise/ ぎん [ぎん] /glare, stare/ ぎら [ぎら] /twinkle, shine, glint/ ぎりぎり [ぎりぎり] /vigorous scratching, grinding/ ぎりぎり [ぎりぎり] /at the limit, no time or space to spare/ ぎろ [ぎろ] /glare, stare/ ぎし [ぎし] /creaking/ く [く] /sleeping/ く [く] /giggle in the throat/ くく [くく] /giggle in the throat/ くくく [くくく] /giggle in the throat/ く [く] /stomach rumbling/ くきゅるる [くきゅるる] /stomach rumbling/ くどくど [くどくど] /repetitive/ くは [くは] /yawn/ くかあ [くかあ] /sleepy breathing/ くくり [くくり] /distinct, clear/ くんくん [くんくん] /smelling/ くねくね [くねくね] /wiggling like a snake/ くんかくんか [くんかくんは] /sniff sniff/ くら [くら] /dizziness/ くりん [くりん] /curling, like a dog’s tail/ くる [くる] /turning/ くしゃ [くしゃ] /sneeze/ くしゅ [くしゅ] /sneeze/ くしゅん [くしゅん] /sneeze/ くす [くす] /little laugh/ くた [くた] /droopy, wilted, limp/ くたり [くたり] /droopy, wilted, limp/ ぐ [ぐ] /grabbing, pulling/ ぐ [ぐ] /sleeping (zzzz)/ ぐ [ぐ] /stomach growling/ ぐび [ぐび] /gulp/ ぐちゃ [ぐちゃ] /smashing, crushing/ ぐい [ぐい] /grab/ ぐい [ぐい] /gulp/ ぐおん [ぐおん] /the sound of a clothes dryer/ ぐおお [ぐおお] /roar (like fire)/ ぐら [ぐら] /stagger, move shakily/ ぐり [ぐり] /to give noogies/ ぐしゃ [ぐしゃ] /squeeze, grab, crush/ ぐっすり [ぐっすり] /deep sleep/ ぐった [ぐった] /droopy, wilted, limp/ ぐったり [ぐったり] /droopy, wilted, limp/ ぐっと [ぐっと] /extreme concentration/ ぐうっと [ぐうっと] /extreme concentration/ ぐず [ぐず] /whine, grumble/ ぐわはは [ぐわはは] /evil laugh/ くっくくっく [くっくくっく] /pigeon cooing/ ぐさぐさ [ぐすぐす] /stab stab/ ぐさり [ぐさり] /stab/ けろけろ [けろけろ] /ribbit of a frog/ けたけた [けたけた] /old-fashioned laughing/ げらげら [げらげら] /laughing loudly/ けへん [けへん] /cough/ けらけら [けらけら] /cracking up, hard laugh/ けろり [けろり] /unaffected, casual, unimpressed/ げぼ [げぼ] /throwing up/ げふ [げふ] /belch, burp/ げほ [げほ] /cough/ げんなり [げんなり] /exhausted/ げしげし [げしげし] /wiping, rustling/ こんこん [こんこん] /noise a fox makes/ こけこっこ [こけこっこ] /morning call of a rooster/ ごちゃごちゃ [ごちゃごちゃ] /messy/ こちょく [こちょく] /frozen, paralyzed/ こほ [こほ] /cough/ こい [こい] /come on (taunt in a fight)/ こいこい [こいこい] /come, beckoning/ こくん [こくん] /swallow/ こくり [こくり] /nod/ こっくん [こっくん] /nod/ こん [こん] /quiet impact, like knocking on a door/ こん [こん] /soft cough/ こぽ [こぽ] /pouring/ こり [こり] /crunch, as in eating/ こりこり [こりこり] /scraping/ ころ [ころ] /dropping something, something rolling or tumbling/ ころん [ころん] /dropping something, something rolling or tumbling/ こしこし [こしこし] /rubbing, wiping/ こそ [こそ] /sneaky, doing something stealthily/ こっそり [こっそり] /sneaky, doing something stealthily/ こと [こと] /little clink, like the sound of a glass being put down/ こつん [こつん] /little clink, like the sound of a glass being put down/ こつこつ [こつこつ] /slowly but surely/ ごそ [ごそ] /rustle, stealthy movement/ ごご [ごご] /general menace, threatening atmosphere/ ごちん [ごちん] /comical impact sound/ ごふ [ごふ] /cough/ ごほ [ごほ] /deep, wet cough/ ごほん [ごほん] /deep, wet cough/ ごく [ごく] /gulp, swallow/ ごくん [ごくん] /gulp, swallow/ ごお [ごお] /roar, sometimes like fire/ ごろごろ [ごろごろ] /purr purr/ ごろ [ごろ] /something heavy rolling over/ ごろん [ごろん] /something heavy rolling over/ ごし [ごし] /scrubbing, rubbing, wiping/ ごそ [ごそ] /rummage, rustle/ ごうん [ごうん] /the sound of a washing machine/ ごわごわ [ごわごわ] /stiff, rigid/ さ [さ] /hissing, rain, water running/ さ [さ] /rustling, wind/ さ [さ] /quick motion/ さあ [さあ] /hissing, rain, water running/ さあ [さあ] /rustling, wind/ ささ [ささ] /quick motion/ さ [さ] /step/ さく [さく] /step/ さく [さく] /cut/ さらさら [さらさら] /smooth, light, dry/ さすさす [さすさす] /rubbing/ さわ [さわ] /cool, refreshing/ さわやか [さわやか] /cool, refreshing/ ざ [ざ] /rustling grass or leaves/ ざざ [ざざ] /rustling grass or leaves/ ざ [ざ] /generic white noise sound/ ざ [ざ] /strong, energetic movement/ ざあ [ざあ] /rain/ ざば [ざば] /big splash/ ざぶ [ざぶ] /big splash/ ざぶん [ざぶん] /big splash/ ざしゅ [ざしゅ] /lash, slash/ ざわ [ざわ] /rustling grass or leaves/ ざわ [ざわ] /crowd noise/ しゃ [しゃ] /something slicing through air/ しゃか [しゃか] /scrape scrape/ しゃぷしゃぷ [しゃぷしゃぷ] /splash/ しゃぶしゃぶ [しゃぶしゃぶ] /sloshing around (like shabu shabu!)/ しいん [しいん] /the sound of staring, silence, remaining motionless/ しーん [しーん] /the sound of staring, silence, remaining motionless/ しくしく [しくしく] /sobbing, whimpering/ しっとり [しっとり] /moist/ しっとり [しっとり] /calm, soothing/ しず [しず] /move solemnly/ しょぼしょぼ [しょぼしょぼ] /sadness, moping/ しゅ [しゅ] /quick movement/ しゅ [しゅ] /fabric rubbing/ しゅう [しゅう] /fog, mist, steam/ しゅぼ [しゅぼ] /the sound of a flame igniting/ しゅん [しゅん] /sound of something wilting/ しゅる [しゅる] /snaking motion/ しゅるる [しゅるる] /snaking motion/ しゅるん [しゅるん] /snaking motion/ じゃ [じゃ] /water or liquid flowing or rushing/ じゃあ [じゃあ] /water or liquid flowing or rushing/ じゃじゃじゃ [じゃじゃじゃ] /hiss hiss hiss/ じゃぼん [じゃぼん] /big splash/ じゃき [じゃき] /glint of something sharp/ じゃん [じゃん] /tada!/ じゃんじゃん [じゃんじゃん] /tada!/ じじ [じじ] /scratch scratch/ じいい [じいい] /the sound of staring, of silence/ じいん [じいん] /the sound of staring, of silence/ じいと [じいと] /the sound of staring, of silence/ じいとん [じいとん] /the sound of staring, of silence/ じくじく [じくじく] /numbness/ じろ [じろ] /a hard look/ じろじろと [じろじろと] /fixed staring/ じり [じり] /scraping on the ground/ じりじり [じりじり] /scraping on the ground/ じたばた [じたばた] /flail one's arms and legs/ じわ [じわ] /tears welling up/ じわじわ [じわじわ] /slowly but steadily/ じょ [じょ] /water or liquid flowing or pouring/ じょろじょろ [じょろじょろ] /water or liquid flowing or pouring/ じゅるる [じゅるる] /drool/ じめじめ [じめじめ] /clammy/ じくじく [じくじく] /oozing/ すいっちょ [すいっちょ] /chirping of a cricket/ ずきずき [ずきずき] /pain/ す [す] /breathe in/ す [す] /slow movement/ すべすべ [すべすべ] /smooth/ すぶ [すぶ] /eyes closing/ すい [すい] /smooth movement/ すか [すか] /whoosh, like a baseball bat swing/ すか [すか] /something sparse/ すか [すか] /sleeping/ すや [すや] /sleeping/ すか [すか] /feeling of refreshment/ すかり [すかり] /feeling of refreshment/ すっきり [すっきり] /feeling of refreshment/ すかと [すかと] /feeling of refreshment/ すこん [すこん] /plunk, plonk/ すく [すく] /getting up, standing up/ すなり [すなり] /slender, smooth, graceful/ すぱ [すぱ] /cutting or breaking something/ すぱり [すぱり] /cutting or breaking something/ すぴぐ [すぴぐ] /peaceful sleep/ すぴぐ [すぴぐ] /whistling sound/ すっぱすっぱ [すっぱすっぱ] /puff puff/ すぽ [すぽ] /pop! the sound of tight something being pulled off or out/ すらり [すらり] /long and straight, slim, slender/ すらりと [すらりと] /long and straight, slim, slender/ する [する] /slow movement/ すた [すた] /landing after a jump or fall/ すたた [すたた] /running/ すてん [すてん] /falling/ すてて [すてて] /a child running quickly/ すすす [すすす] /sliding/ すとん [すとん] /sit/ ず [ず] /drool or other liquid flowing/ ず [ず] /sip, slurp/ ず [ず] /vigorous motion/ ずん [ずん] /vigorous motion/ ずう [ずう] /disappointment, sadness/ ずうん [ずうん] /disappointment, sadness/ ずば [ずば] /to slice or cut with a single blow/ ずばり [ずばり] /to slice or cut with a single blow/ ずがが [ずがが] /something loud and drastic/ ずごご [ずごご] /something loud and drastic/ ずき [ずき] /sharp pain/ ずも [ずも] /menace, looming/ ずもも [ずもも] /menace, looming/ ずんぐり [ずんぐり] /dumpy/ ずり [ずり] /stagger when walking, or fall back in shock/ ずりり [ずりり] /stagger when walking, or fall back in shock/ ずる [ずる] /stagger when walking, or fall back in shock/ ずる [ずる] /sip, slurp/ ずる [ずる] /very strong movement/ ずる [ずる] /something heavy being dragged or pulled/ ずるずる [ずるずる] /something heavy being dragged or pulled/ ずるる [ずるる] /slurp/ ずささ [ずささ] /quick scuttling recoil/ ずず [ずず] /sip/ ぜ [ぜ] /wheeze, gasp/ ぜい [ぜい] /wheeze, gasp/ ぜえ [ぜえ] /push/ せっせと [せっせと] /working steadily/ ぞく [ぞく] /chill or shiver/ ぞっと [ぞっと] /chill or shiver/ ぞおん [ぞおん] /rumbling, shaking/ そりゃ [そりゃ] /fighting taunt or war cry/ そそくさ [そそくさ] /running away quickly/ そわそわ [そわそわ] /restless, fidgety/ たあ [たあ] /dashing, running/ たっぷり [たっぷり] /full, stuffed/ たたた [たたた] /running lightly/ だだだ [だだだ] /running away/ だあ [だあ] /running away/ だん [だん] /bang, boom, sudden impact/ だらだら [だらだら] /continuous dripping of thick liquid: blood, sweat, saliva/ ちゃぽん [ちゃぽん] /plunk, water sound/ ちゃぷ [ちゃぷ] /plunk, water sound/ ちゃらちゃら [ちゃらちゃら] /rattle, clatter, jingle/ ちゃり [ちゃり] /rattle, like keys/ ち [ち] /click of the tongue, damn, shit/ ちちち [ちちち] /the way to call a cat/ ちち [ちち] /high shrill noise/ ちち [ちち] /clock ticking/ ちら [ちら] /quick sideways glance/ ちらり [ちらり] /quick sideways glance/ ちろん [ちろん] /quick sideways glance/ ちりちり [ちりちり] /curly, frizzy/ ちりちり [ちりちり] /tingle of heat, shiver of cold/ ちりん [ちりん] /chime/ ちやほや [ちやほや] /fuss over, butter up/ ちょきちょき [ちょきちょき] /cutting with knife or scissors/ ちょこん [ちょこん] /small and quiet/ ちゅ [ちゅ] /kiss/ ちゅ [ちゅ] /suck/ ちゅんちゅん [ちゅんちゅん] /chirp chirp, like a bird/ ちんちろりん [ちんちろりん] /chirping of a cricket/ ちいちい [ちいちい] /sound a gecko makes/ ちょんぎいす [ちょんぎいす] /chirping of a grasshopper/ ちゅうちゅう [ちゅうちゅう] /squeak of a mouse/ ちゅんちゅん [ちゅんちゅん] /song of a sparrow/ ちょこちょこ [ちょこちょこ] /always moving around/ っ [っ] /catching your breath in your throat, uh/ つ [つ] /rain/ つ [つ] /insect buzzing/ つう [つう] /insect buzzing/ つぶ [つぶ] /eyes closing/ つんつん [つんつん] /bad-smelling, stinky/ つる [つる] /sliding/ つるん [つるん] /sliding/ つつつ [つつつ] /sliding/ つやつや [つやつや] /shining, glowing/ てへ [てへ] /teehee, giggle/ てかてか [てかてか] /shiny, smooth surface/ てくてく [てくてく] /walking/ てんてんてんまりてんてまり [てんてんてんまりてんてまり] /traditional song/ てれ [てれ] /happily embarrassed/ でれでれ [だれだれ] /sloppy, loose, to go goofy over someone, to fawn/ てっぺんかけたか [てぺんかけたか] /cuckoo/ でこぼこ [でこぼこ] /something uneven, like a bumpy road/ どすん [どすん] /someone or something falling with a thud/ どすんどすん [どすんどすん] /walking/ と [と] /quiet impact/ ととと [ととと] /walking/ と [と] /jumping/ とん [とん] /jumping/ とんで [とんで] /jumping/ とぼとぼ [とぽとぽ] /dejected walking/ とことこ [とことこ] /walking/ とくん [とくん] /hard heartbeat/ とん [とん] /fairly quiet impact/ とんとん [とんとん] /chop chop/ とんとん [とんとん] /light continuous action/ とっぷり [とっぷり] /night falling, the sun disappearing/ とて [とて] /toddle toddle/ ど [ど] /big impact/ ど [ど] /heartbeat/ どどど [どどど] /footsteps running/ どどど [どどど] /quick punches/ どか [どか] /impact/ どきどき [どきどき] /heartbeat/ どくん [どくん] /hard heartbeat/ どきょう [どきょう] /dread/ どん [どん] /big impact/ どん [どん] /dramatic effect/ どんどん [どんどん] /continuous action/ どぴゅ [どぴゅ] /spurting, like blood/ どろん [どろん] /magical transformation/ どろろんぱ [どろろんぱ] /magical transformation/ どりゃ [どりゃ] /yell during an attack/ どさ [どち] /thud of something heavy hitting the floor/ どしん [どしん] /impact/ どす [どす] /spurting, like blood/ どたばた [どたばた] /running around wildly in panic or confusion/ どて [どて] /impact, falling, like a child playing/ どよん [どよん] /sluggish, exhausted/ なでなで [なでなで] /stroke stroke, pet pet/ なし [なし] /smack/ に [に] /smile, grin/ にこ [にこ] /smile, grin/ にこり [にこり] /smile, grin/ にぱ [にぱ] /brilliant smile, grin/ にしょ [にしょ] /effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ にた [にた] /sinister smile/ にゃ [にゃ] /meow, like a cat/ にやり [にやり] /leer/ にゃり [にゃり] /leer/ ぬけぬけ [ぬけぬけ] /to act or speak nonchalantly/ ぬけぬけと [ぬけぬけと] /to act or speak nonchalantly/ ぬる [ぬる] /greasing, soaping, making slippery/ ぬるぬる [ぬるぬる] /greasing, soaping, making slippery/ ぬるん [ぬるん] /greasing, soaping, making slippery/ ぬうう [ぬうう] /menace, when something unknown, mysterious, or big appears/ のろのろ [のろのろ] /wriggling like a snake/ は [は] /sound of surprise or realization/ は [は] /panting, exhalation/ はあはあ [はあはあ] /panting, exhalation/ ははは [ははは] /masculine laughter/ はっきり [はっきり] /clear, unambiguous/ はむ [はむ] /bite, chew/ はらはら [はらはら] /to fall gently/ はた [はた] /soft, quiet landing noise/ はうはう [はうはう] /gobbling/ ばりばり [ばりばり] /rip, tearing paper/ ぱおん [ぱおん] /the sound an elephant makes/ ば [ば] /sudden impact, bang, crash, etc/ ばち [ばち] /crackle/ ばぐ [ばぐ] /impact/ ばき [ばき] /impact/ ばん [ばん] /bang, bam/ ばん [ばん] /dramatic effect/ ばらばら [ばらばら] /rattle rattle/ ばらばら [ばらばら] /eating, crunch, munch/ ばらばら [ばらばら] /separation, splitting apart/ ばりばり [ばりばり] /scratch scratch/ ばりばり [ばりばり] /rip rip/ ばりばり [ばりばり] /electricity, crackle crackle/ ばさ [ばさ] /rustling, cloth sliding, paper moving/ ばしゃん [ばしゃん] /medium splash/ ばし [ばし] /impact/ ばしと [ばしと] /impact/ ばた [ばた] /impact, often used for falling down/ ばたん [ばたん] /impact, often used for falling down/ ばっちり [ばっちり] // ぱ [ぱ] /light, shining/ ぱち [ぱち] /sharp, snappy sound, click, crackle, clap, crack/ ぱか [ぱか] /opening, separating/ ぱか [ぱか] /snap/ ぱく [ぱく] /closing mouth on food, chomp/ ぱくぱく [ぱくぱく] /opening and closing mouth, eating, gobbling/ ぱん [ぱん] /sudden impact/ ぱんぱん [ぱんぱん] /pat, smack, like dusting your hands off/ ぱり [ぱり] /crunch, as in eating/ ぱりぱり [ぱりぱり] /crackle, as of energy or electricity/ ぱりん [ぱりん] /crash, clash/ ぱさ [ぱさ] /rustling, like cloth sliding, paper moving/ ぱしゃ [ぱしゃ] /splashing/ ぱし [ぱし] /impact: smack! click!/ ぱたぱた [ぱたぱた] /flap flap/ ぱたた [ぱたた] /spatter spatter/ ぱたん [ぱたん] /door slamming/ ひい [ひい] /exclamation, eek, yikes/ ひええ [ひええ] /exclamation, eek, yikes/ ひひいん [ひひいん] /shriek/ ひく [ひく] /high-pitched whinny of a horse/ ぴいちく [ぴいちく] /song of a lark/ ひくひく [ひくひく] /shaking, as with anger or sobs/ ひく [ひく] /hiccup/ ひりひり [ひりひり] /continuous pain or irritation/ ひそひそ [ひそひそ] /whisper whisper/ ひやひや [ひやひや] /fear, worry/ ひょい [ひょい] /popping up suddenly, quick movement/ ひょこ [ひょこ] /popping up suddenly/ ひゅ [ひゅ] /quick movement/ ひゅん [ひゅん] /quick movement/ ひゅう [ひゅう] /cold wind, lonely wind/ びいだ [びいだ] /rudeness, making a face/ び [び] /rudeness, making a face/ び [び] /high-pitched sound: shriek, wail/ びちゃびちゃ [びちゃびちゃ] /small splash/ びちびち [びちびち] /flopping, smacking/ びく [びく] /surprise/ びくん [びくん] /surprise/ びっくん [びっくん] /surprise/ びり [びり] /electricity, energy/ びろん [びろん] /tongue hanging out/ びし [びし] /whip, slap, smack/ びゅ [びゅ] /quick movement/ ぴ [ぴ] /beep, peep, any other short high-pitched sound/ ぴ [ぴ] /drip/ ぴちゃ [ぴちゃ] /drip/ ぴちょん [ぴちゃん] /drip/ ぴち [ぴち] /flap, bounce, snap/ ぴい [ぴい] /shrill sound, beeper, telephone, whistle/ ぴいぴい [ぴいぴい] /chirp chirp/ ぴく [ぴく] /twitch/ ぴくり [ぴくり] /blink, noticing something/ ぴく [ぴく] /licks/ ぴく [ぴく] /blink, noticing something/ ぴんぽん [ぴんぽん] /ding dong, bell/ ぴんぽん [ぴんぽん] /Bingo! Correct!/ ぴり [ぴり] /tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a potato chip bag/ ぴりぴり [ぴりぴり] /sharp sensation, as of pain, electricity, spiciness/ ぴしゃ [ぴしゃ] /splashing/ ぴし [ぴし] /crack, smack/ ぴた [ぴた] /stopping/ ぴと [ぴと] /gentle touch/ ぴよ [ぴよ] /peep/ ぴゅ [ぴゅ] /fast motion/ ふあ [ふあ] /yawn/ ふわ [ふわ] /yawn/ ふぁ [ふぁ] /yawn/ ふ [ふ] /sigh, exhale/ ふあ [ふあ] /sigh, exhale/ ふふふ [ふふふ] /strange laugh/ ふきふき [ふきふき] /wiping/ ふく [ふく] /something like cloth flapping/ ふみ [ふき] /step, stomp/ ふうん [ふうん] /hmmph, hmm/ ふむ [ふむ] /hmmph, hmm/ ふんかふんか [ふんかふんか] /sniff sniff, inhale/ ふら [ふら] /yawn/ ふら [ふら] /drift/ ふら [ふら] /dizziness/ ふら [ふら] /wobble, totter/ ふらふら [ふらふら] /wobble, totter/ ふら [ふら] /tremble, quiver/ ふり [ふり] /tremble, quiver/ ふる [ふる] /tremble, quiver/ ふさ [ふさ] /abundant, soft hair/ ふわ [ふわ] /gentle movement, lifting or floating/ ふわと [ふわと] /gentle movement, lifting or floating/ ふわり [ふわり] /very gentle, calm movement/ ふんわら [ふんわり] /very gentle, calm movement/ ふわはは [ふわはは] /evil laugh/ ふん [ふん] /huh, hrumph, humph/  ふえ [ふえ] /cry, wail/ ふんかふんか [ふんかふんか] /sniff sniff/ ぶうぶう [ぶうぶう] /oink oink of a pig/ ぶすぶす [ぶすぶす] /stab stab/ ぶすり [ぶすり] /stab/ ぶち [ぶち] /snap, can be used metaphorically/ ぶちぶち [ぶちぶち] /ripping, tearing/ ぶちゅ [ぶちゅ] /kiss/ ぶく [ぶく] /swelling, something swollen/ ぶくぶく [ぶくぶく] /swelling, something swollen/ ぶく [ぶく] /boiling, bubbles/ ぶくぶく [ぶくぶく] /boiling, bubbles/ ぶい [ぶい] /V for victory/ ぶんっちゃちゃ [ぶっちゃちゃ] /music/ ぶん [ぶん] /swish/ ぶうん [ぶうん] /buzz, whir, as of an insect/ ぶうん [ぶうん] /hanging, dangling/ ぶんぶん [ぶんぶん] /buzz buzz, like a bee/ ぶらん [ぶらん] /sound of a loud motor/ ぶろろろ [ぶろろろ] /smoldering, smoking/ ぶすぶす [ぶすぶす] /muttered complaining/ ぶす [ぶす] /muttered complaining/ ぶすぶす [ぶすぶす] /muttered complaining/ うすと [うすと] /muttered complaining/ ぶつ [ぶつ] /muttered complaining/ ぶわ [ぶわ] /explosion/ ぶよぶよ [ぶよぶよ] /squishy and swollen, waterlogged/ ぶわはは [ぶわはは] /evil laugh/ ぷちぷち [ぷちぷち] /pop pop, crackle crackle/ ぷく [ぷく] /swelling, something swollen/ ぷくぷく [ぷくぷく] /swelling, something swollen/ ぷんぷん [ぷんぷん] /bad-smelling/ ぷぷぷ [ぷぷぷ] /strange laugh/ ぷらぷら [ぷらぷら] /limp, floppy/ ぷらん [ぷらん] /limp, floppy/ ぷりぷり [ぷりぷり] /anger/ ぷる [ぷる] /shake, quiver/ ぷす [ぷす] /puncturing, penetrating/ ぷすぷす [ぷすぷす] /smoldering, smoking/ ぷう [ぷう] /puff/ ぷう [ぷう] /anger/ ぷうっと [ぷうっと] /snort, honk, toot/ へへ [へへ] /heh heh (laugh)/ へなへな [へなへな] /worn out, exhausted/ へんしん [へんしん] /transformation/ へろへろ [へろへろ] /spineless, limp/ へた [へた] /collapsing, sitting down in despair or exhaustion/ へとへと [へとへと] /worn out, exhausted/ べちょ [べちょ] /dropping something/ べろ [べろ] /peeling back/ べろべろ [べろべろ] /licking over and over/ べたり [べたり] /people or objects that stick together/ べとべと [べとべと] /sticky, gummy/ ぺちゃんこ [ぺちゃんこ] /flattened, crushed/ ぺしゃんこ [ぺしゃんこ] /flattened, crushed/ ぺこ [ぺこ] /bow/ ぺこぺこ [ぺこぺこ] /bow over and over (grovel)/ ぺろ [ぺろ] /lick/ ぺろぺろ [ぺろぺろ] /licking/ ぺろん [ぺろん] /rolling up or down/ ぺろん [ぺろん] /flipping/ ぺたん [ぺたん] /smooth, flat/ ぺたん [ぺたん] /to flop down on the floor/ ぺたんと [ぺたんと] /smooth, flat/ ぺたんと [ぺたんと] /to flop down on the floor/ ぺつぺつ [ぺつぺつ] /pat pat/ べりべり [べりべり] /rip, tearing paper/ べらべら [べらべら] /chatting, talking/ ぺちゃくちゃ [ぺちゃぺちゃ] /chattering/ ぺらぺら [ぺらぺら] /speaking a foreign language fluently/ ぽっぽぽっぽ [ぽっぽぽっぽ] /pigeon cooing/ ほう [ほう] /hoo hoo of an owl/ ぼきぼき [ぼきぼき] /cracking something in half, or knuckle joints/ ぼこぼこ [ぼこぼこ] /hitting somebody hard/ ぽんぽん [ぽんぽん] /a baby's word for stomach/ ぽんぽん [ぽんぽん] /doing something without hesitation/ ほほほ [ほほほ] /refined feminine laughter/ ほかほか [ほかほか] /warmth, heat/ ほのぼの [ほのぼの] /peaceful, harmonious, tranquil/ ほおお [ほおお] /wind/ ほおほけきょ [ほおほけきょ] /song of a bushwarbler bird/ ほてほて [ほてほて] /toddle toddle/ ほいさっと [ほいさっと] /easily performed physical task/ ぼ [ぼ] /flame, fire/ ぼ [ぼ] /sluggish and exhausted/ ぼちゃん [ぼちゃん] /kerplunk/ ぼちぼち [ぼちぼち] /something happening steadily, like water dripping/ ぼかん [ぼかん] /sudden impact/ ぼけっと [ぼけっと] /gazing vacantly/ ぼこ [ぼこ] /boiling, bubbling, pop/ ぼん [ぼん] /sound of magical transformation, often seen with a puff of smoke/ ぼさぼさ [ぼさぼさ] /unkempt, also sitting around lazily/ ぼそぼそ [ぼそぼそ] /muttering, speaking in a hushed, unclear voice/ ぼた [ぼた] /dripping, possibly something thick like blood/ ぼとぼと [ぼとぼと] /falling/ ぼて [ぼて] /falling/ ぼつ [ぼつ] /whoosh/ ぽ [ぽ] /drip, plunk/ ぽちゃん [ぽちゃん] /kerplunk!/ ぽた [ぽた] /drip, plunk/ ぽ [ぽ] /flame, light/ ぽ [ぽ] /blush/ ぽちぽち [ぽちぽち] /something happening steadily, as in water dripping/ ぽい [ぽい] /throwing or tossing something/ ぽか [ぽか] /impact/ ぽく [ぽく] /point at something/ ぽん [ぽん] /impact, fairly quiet/ ぽん [ぽん] /sound of magical transformation or appearance/ ぽおっと [ぽおっと] /dazed, obsessed/ ぽりぽり [ぽりぽり] /quiet eating, crunching/ ぽろ [ぽろ] /dropping something, something rolling/ ぽと [ぽと] /dropping something, something rolling/ ぽた [ぽた] /dripping sweat drops/ ぽつん [ぽつん] /aloneness, separation/ みい [みい] /cry, wail/ みしみし [みしみし] /creak creak/ みんみん [みんみん] /chirping of a cicada/ む [む] /grimace, anger, sulkiness, frown/ むす [むす] /grimace, anger, sulkiness, frown/ むむう [むむう] /grimace, anger, sulkiness, frown/ むうん [むうん] /grimace, anger, sulkiness, frown/ むぐ [むぐ] /eating, munching with closed mouth/ むく [むく] /eating, munching with closed mouth/ むか [むか] /flabbergasted/ むかむか [むかむか] /sick, nauseated/ むく [むく] /getting up, sitting up/ むらむら [むらむら] /sexual arousal/ めきめき [めきめき] /quick progress/ めろめろ [めろめろ] /limp, floppy/ めそめそ [めそめそ] /whimper, sniffle/ めえ [めえ] /baaaa of a sheep/ めい [めい] /baaaa of a sheep/ めらめら [めらめら] /fire blazing up/ もりもり [もりもり] /someone doing something willingly/ もりもり [もりもり] /a lot/ もじもじ [もじもじ] /shyness/ もく [もく] /eating, munching/ もお [もお] /mooing of a cow/ もう [もう] /mooing of a cow/ やほ [やほ] /yoohoo! hey! hi!/ やほい [やほい] /yoohoo! hey! hi!/ やきもき [やきもき] /fretting, worrying/ やんわり [やんわり] /soft, gentle/ やれやれ [やれやれ] /what to say when one is frustrated, exasperated, giving up/ ゆさ [ゆさ] /shaking something/ よいしょ [よいしょ] /effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ よじ [よじ] /the sound of a cockroach crawling/ よろ [よろ] /stagger, waddle, walk shakily/ よろろ [よろろ] /stagger, waddle, walk shakily/ ら [ら] /eh??/ りんりん [りんりん] /chirping of a cricket/ るんたた [るんたた] /music/ わ [わ] /Wow! Ack!/ わあ [わあ] /a crowd's excited roar/ わあわあ [わあわあ] /a crowd's excited roar/ わい [わい] /feminine exclamation of delight/ わいわい [わいわい] /noise, excitement, lots of people talking/ わく [わく] /excitement/ わくわく [わくわく] /excitement/ わんわん [わんわん] /bow wow like a dog/ わらわら [わらわら] /crowd noise/ わさわさ [わざわざ] /rustle rustle/ わたわた [わたわた] /flap flap/ ん [ん] /Hm? Huh?/ ん [ん] /a grunt, as of surprise, effort, sleepiness, pain, or passion/ んちゅ [んちゅ] /kiss/ んく [んく] /sniff sniff, inhale/ んんうう [んんうう] /menace, when something unknown, mysterious, or big appears/ んうう [んうう] /menace, when something unknown, mysterious, or big appears/ んしょ [んしょ] /effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/ んしょっと [んしょっと] /effort, strain: Oof! Umph!/