1. planar.tgz contains the program. To run the program: Untar the file (tar -xzvf planar.tgz) A directory planar containing all the files will be created. Compile these files by typing make. Type ./planarise to run the program. 2. TESTS_1.tgz and TESTS_2.tgz contain the test graphs used in the tests. Each subdirectory in TESTS_1 (and TESTS_2) is of the form n[size]d[degree]. For example, a directory named n1000d3 stores files holding graphs of size 1000 vertices and degree 3. Each of these directories contains three subdirectories, each directory indicating the means by which the graphs were generated, namely Bollobas Method (B), Erdos Method (E) and Steger Wormald Method (SW). Each of these directories contain 50 graphs of the given degree and size. (Some B directories are empty - the Bollobas method not being suitable (in terms of time) for generating graphs of this size and/or degree. The B subdirectories are empty for all graphs of n>1000. There are only graphs generated by the Bollobas method for graphs of degree 3 and size 1000. Graphs of degree three to four are generated by the Bollobas method for graphs of less than 1000 vertices; and in addition graphs of degree 5 for graphs of less than 300 vertices, and graphs of degree 6 for graphs of less than 100 vertices). 3. NOTE: In the case where the number of vertices in the graph exceed 1000, only the first 20 graphs in each file were used in the tests.