program Continuations(input, output); { proof of concept parser for a non deterministic grammar: ::= ::= a | aa See: L. Allison. Some Applications of Continuations. The Computer Journal, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp. 9-16, 1988. L.Allison, Department of Computer Science, Monash University, Australia 3168 } var l:array[1..80]of char; {the input string} n:integer; procedure fin(m:integer); begin if m=n+1 then writeln('solution') end; procedure aORaa( n:integer; procedure cont(p:integer) ); begin if l[n]='a' then begin cont(n+1); if l[n+1]='a' then cont(n+2) end end; procedure sentence( n:integer; procedure Cont(p:integer) ); procedure aORaaCont( n:integer ); begin aORaa(n, Cont) end; begin aORaa( n, aORaaCont ) end; begin writeln('type a string for parsing'); while not eof do begin n:=0; while not eoln do begin n:=n+1; read(l[n]) end; readln; writeln; sentence( 1, fin ); writeln('finished; next one please') end end. { Released under GNU General Public Licence (GPL). } { NB. Requires a full ISO standard Pascal Implementation. }