Student Expectations Survey - CSE1202

The staff in this subject are trying to find out more about how students approach the subject.

We are asking you to fill out this questionnaire to give us basic data on what you want from the subject and your course.

Your responses will NOT be be available to teaching or tutorial staff. They will see only summary data. The database of individual responses will be independantly controlled by the Research Fellow in computer education.

Q 1.1
Student ID

Q 1.2
Year of birth (e.g. 77 not 1977)

Q 1.3
Gender (optional)


Q 1.4
Is your first language English?


Q 1.5
Where did you study for your VCE or its equivalent?

    Another Australian state
    Outside Australia

Q 1.6
Are you an international full fee paying student?


Q 1.7
What access do you have to a computer?

    None outside the Monash laboratories
    My own computer
    A family computer I can use
    A computer I share with friends or colleagues

Q 1.8
What was the last study you did before entering this course?

    High School
    Diploma course
    Another degree completed
    Another degree/diploma - incomplete
    Monash College

Q 1.9
The following is a list of programming languages.
Can you show how much experience you have with them.
    Use the following code:
      0 - do not know the name
      1 - know the name but know nothing about the language
      2 - have looked at how the language operates
      3 - have done a little bit of programming in the language
      4 - have done a reasonable amount of programming in it
      5 - have done a lot of programming with this language

        Visual Basic

Q 1.10
What mode of study are you doing?

    Full Time
    Part Time - internal
    Distance learning

Q 1.11
Is this your first attempt at this subject


Q 1.12
How many hours per week are you allocating for this subject outside class times

    1-3 hours
    4-6 hours
    7-9 hours
    10-12 hours
    Greater than 12 hours
    Do not know

Q 1.13
Approximately how many hours a week will you be working at paid employment?


Q 1.14
What is the main type of teaching you expect to experience in this subject

    Lectures in large groups
    Lectures in small groups
    Computer laboratory sessions
    Distance education
    Do not know

Can you now think about how you respond to different types of classes

Q 2.1
Uncomfortable Very comfortable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Q 2.2
Tutorials where most of the time is spent being given answers to problems
Uncomfortable Very comfortable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Q 2.3
Tutorials or seminars where I am expected to participate and make a contribution
Uncomfortable Very comfortable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Q 2.4
Problem solving groups where I have to work in a small team
Uncomfortable Very comfortable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Next think about your confidence in doing your course

Q 3.1
What level of final result do you think you can attain in this subject?

    High Distinction
    Don't know

Q 3.2
How confident are you that you will complete this subject
Unsure Confident
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Q 3.3
How confident are you that you will complete this year of your course
Unsure Confident
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Q 3.4
How confident are you that you will complete your degree
Unsure Confident
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Dont know

Q 3.5
What are the main problems you see yourself facing this year?

    No real problems
    I have not studied at university level and am unsure of what is expected
    Making social contact because I do not know anyone
    Having to travel a long way to attend classes
    Having enough money to live on
    Having enough money to buy books and equipment for the course
    Not having a place where I can study properly
    My ability to express myself well in discussion groups
    My ability to express myself well in writing
    Not knowing what is expected of me by lecturers and tutors
    None of these


    Below is a list of outcomes you might expect from your current degree.
    Please place them in your personal order of importance. Type in the number which indicates that order:

      1 = The outcome which is most important to YOU
        through to
      9 = The outcome which is least important to YOU

    A comprehensive knowledge of computer science and software engineering
    A job which pays well
    A job which gives me personal satisfaction
    Flexible job options so that I can travel or do what I want
    The opportunity to go on and do a higher degree
    A stepping stone into the business world
    Being able to run my own business and work for myself
    A chance to work through possible options because I am not sure of what I want
    A qualification which lets me work with computers

Thank you for completing this survey.