current CEMA Projects
intro honours projects artist collaborations research projects

CEMA is interested in developing collaborative ideas and projects with professional artists. CEMA offers high quality software design and research skills of its staff and students to engage with artists who are interested in developing electronic media projects of international significance. Artistic practice may be from any discipline, but successful applicants for projects will have a strong understanding of how the medium they are working in relates to CEMA's particular skills.

Applications for developing a collaborative project can be made at any time by contacting CEMA. Applicants must have a demonstrated competence in their area of creative practice. Successful collaborative projects must:

Projects are normally carried out within the CEMA research laboratory, and participants generally have access to the laboratory's facilities. Typical time frames for projects range from 3 to 12 months.

Collaborative positions are currently not funded, and it is the artist's responsibility to source funding for their project. In some cases CEMA may assist with this.