Yuval Marom's Homepage


Since March 2007 I'm working as a Data Analyst at GAPbuster Worldwide (in Melbourne). Contact me on Yuval.Marom@gapbuster.com

Or contact Ingrid Zukerman about our joint work on help-desk response automation.

Check out an article written about our work in the ABC's "The Lab" on 12 December 2006.

Here are our current publications:

Generating Help-desk Responses

Probabilistic Dialogue Interpretation

Sentence Classification

Newsgroup Clustering

Previous work

My PhD was on the rather different topic of robot learning. The thesis and other previous publications can be found here.

Useful links

Yuval Marom
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University
Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
Tel: +61 3 99059555
Fax: +61 3 99055146

Last modified: Tue Dec 12 11:17:02 EST 2006